
Why would I need an electrical installations audit?

Obligatory for new buildings when concluding a network contract.

Electrical installations already in use must be regularly inspected (regular audit).

To ensure the safety of your people.

Reassurance that my devices are in good working order.

To protect your property – a large number of fires start from electrical systems and devices.

Required when building a solar park.

All electrical installations in your building must be compliant with requirements

An audit is a technical inspection for determining whether your electrical systems are in good working order and safe to use. An audit must be conducted by a qualified specialist who is familiar with electrical installations and their operation. Forus has the necessary competent maintenance specialists.

An audit can be a pre-commissioning, regular, or extraordinary audit.

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An electrical installations audit must be conducted:

  • For a new building – required for concluding a network contract.
  • To obtain an authorisation for use for an updated or temporary electrical system with a main fuse exceeding 35 amperes.
  • When the term of validity of an audit has passed – depending on the type and year of construction of the building (for example, apartment buildings are required to have one every 5 or 10 years, depending on the year of construction).
  • When you want to install a solar park for the building.

What happens if the systems have deficiencies?

After the inspection, we will issue an audit report on the electrical installations. If the result is positive, you can rest assured – your electrical installations are safe so you can use them.

If deficiencies are found in the systems, the owner or possessor of the building must fix the electrical installations.

If the issues in the systems are dangerous, we will propose disconnecting the electrical device or installation from the grid and no longer using it. If the hazard is not eliminated without delay, we are obligated to inform the Consumer Protection and Technical Regulatory Authority of the situation.

What is included in an electrical installations audit?

Visual inspection of the installations

We will evaluate whether the electrical installations have been constructed according to their design and are safe to use.

Inspection of the documentation

We will evaluate whether the electrical installations are compliant with the documentation and consistent with the action plan established by the manufacturer of the devices. If necessary, the auditor may ask for additional documents.

Calculations, measurements, and testing

We will use various tests to determine the safety and compliance of the electrical installations. If we discover any deficiencies, we will immediately notify the owner of the electrical device or installation.


What is included in an audit?

An auditor will visually inspect the state of your electrical installations and review the documentation as well as the test and measurement results. If necessary, they will conduct more tests. Based on all the information and test results, the auditor will decide on the compliance and safety of the installation.

What is the difference between pre-commissioning, regular, and extraordinary audits?

  • A pre-commissioning audit must be conducted in a building before the electrical installations are commissioned, or in other words, after new electrical installations are completed or old ones are reconstructed.
  • A regular audit is conducted periodically for electrical installations in use, with frequency depending on the type of the electrical installation.
  • An extraordinary audit is ordered as needed and its scope and normative documents for inspection are decided by the client.

How often is a regular audit required?

A regular audit must be conducted with the following frequency:

  • Once every 5 years for electrical installations of the first category (installations with a high level of risk, such as electrical installations in or containing an explosion hazard zone).
  • Once every 10 years for electrical installations of the second category (low-voltage electrical installations with a main fuse of more than 35 amperes, such as in commercial and office buildings, industrial buildings, etc.).
  • Once every 15 years for electrical installations of the third category (rated main fuse protection current of 35 amperes or less).

In the case of electrical installations that were constructed or reconstructed before the year 2000, a regular audit must be conducted with the following frequency:

  • Once every 3 years for electrical installations of the first category.
  • Once every 5 years for electrical installations of the second category.
  • Once every 10 years for electrical installations of the third category.

Regular and extraordinary audit of electrical installations – how much does it cost?

The audit fee depends mostly on the technical specifications, complexity, and correct documentation of the electrical installations. In addition, it depends on how you as an owner of a building have ensured the good working order of the electrical systems so far.

Why order an electrical installations audit from Forus?

  • We have the most competent specialists – we take care of all types of electrical installations.
  • Extensive experience and high-quality work.
  • We take an individual approach to each client.
  • We are familiar with various types of buildings and their systems – we have the experience.
  • We are the largest maintenance company in Estonia.
  • We also offer maintenance services and renovations of electrical systems.

Get in touch! You will be contacted by one of our highly qualified maintenance specialists.


Get in touch! You will be contacted by one of our highly qualified maintenance specialists.


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