LOUHE and Forus Partner to Revolutionise Security Solutions in the Baltics

To ensure the safety of your premises and people.
The reliability and longer lifespan of your devices.
If the equipment malfunctions, the alarm system will not be activated.
The signal will not reach our alarm response centre.
Unmaintained devices send out false alarms.
A regular user does not have sufficient knowledge or tools for regular maintenance.
Maintenance is as important as the use of a surveillance system.
The installation of surveillance equipment helps you feel more secure and safe. Similarly to technical building systems, a car, or sports equipment, surveillance equipment need regular and proper maintenance. This ensures their reliability and a longer lifespan.
Correct maintenance helps to prevent false alarms. In our experience, false alarms make up about 30% of all alarms. Usually, they are caused by devices that have not been maintained properly.
We offer the maintenance of surveillance equipment to both business and private customers. We have reliable, trained, and highly qualified maintenance specialists.
We will make sure that all necessary rooms are covered by sensors and that they are placed and configured to offer maximum security for the location.
We will check whether all your devices work and the camera feed (if the customer has it) reaches us. We will replace the batteries in sensors if necessary and inspect the batteries. If we discover any shortcomings, we will eliminate them immediately. We will clean the devices of dirt.
We will conduct a test alarm to make sure that the system works properly. We will check whether the Forus Alarm Response Centre receives the alarm.
If the location has fire extinguishers, we can inspect them if necessary.
If needed, our technicians can help to change security codes and place new stickers on windows and doors.
After the maintenance is completed, we will prepare a report stating which devices received maintenance, which ones were replaced, any changes to the system, etc.
We can check the operational reliability of your devices remotely and visit the location according to the maintenance schedule for a thorough inspection.
We recommend maintaining the security systems at least twice a year; however, it depends on the complexity of the system and the environment where the devices are located.
We will decide on a maintenance schedule with the customer, taking into account the recommendations of the manufacturer of the devices.
We suggest that you have the same service provider for surveillance and maintenance services so it would be possible to have a comprehensive understanding of the site and fix any malfunctions as quickly as possible.