Forus points out the most common reasons that can lead to unexpectedly high bills during the heating season

Fire safety systems need proper maintenance for the early detection of a fire. Fire safety requirements are extremely stringent due to the law. This is also true about the maintenance of fire safety systems. Neglecting the inspection of devices could lead to devastating consequences.
Fire safety installations must be inspected pursuant to the manufacturer’s guidelines and the law. Only persons with the appropriate professional certification may inspect this type of equipment. Forus has qualified specialists with extensive experience and skills for the maintenance of various fire safety systems. You can trust us.
The owner or possessor of a building is responsible for system maintenance. For example, the owner of an automatic fire alarm system (AFAS) is legally obligated to ensure that it is inspected every quarter and receives thorough maintenance every year. A sprinkler system must be maintained according to the guidelines of the manufacturer or installer.
In the case of fire extinguishers, an inspection every two years is not enough; instead, a visual inspection must be conducted every quarter and recorded in a log. Moreover, the integrity of the fire compartments and the cleanliness of the ventilation system of the building must also be checked.
Compliance with safety requirements and systems serving their purpose in a building are important aspects.
A neglected system could start sending large numbers of false alarms or simply stop working. This kind of a situation could be dangerous and end badly.
The specialists of Forus will prepare a thorough maintenance statement and a detailed report on the state of the systems after each round of maintenance. If systems are found to have deficiencies or must be replaced, we can help with advice and the installation of new devices.