
Why should floors and carpets be deep cleaned regularly?

It extends the life of surfaces – your different types of flooring will look like new for longer.

Conventional cleaning products at home and in the office are not sufficient to remove deep-seated dirt and bacteria and to create a protective layer on the floor.

Look after the health of your people – carpets accumulate a lot of bacteria and other dirt over time, which can cause allergies and illnesses.

Make a good first impression – cleanliness evokes a positive emotion.

The lifetime of a surface depends largely on correct and regular maintenance

Forus provides specialised cleaning services for carpets as well as other floor surfaces.

It is very difficult to remove all the dirt that has accumulated on a carpet or floor structure over a long period of time with a vacuum cleaner and retail products alone. This means that, in addition to daily maintenance, floors need to be deep cleaned a couple of times a year. With regular deep cleaning and maintenance, surfaces will keep looking new for longer and your floors and carpets will always look fresh.

Specialised floor cleaning should be carried out a few times a year in office buildings.

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Specialised floor cleaning – for which surfaces?

  • Carpets
  • Parquet
  • Wood flooring
  • Stone and concrete floors, ceramic tiles
  • Linoleum
  • PVC

Deep cleaning of floors – what does it require?

Specialised cleaning products

Each floor surface requires a specific cleaning product that effectively removes dirt without damaging the surface.

Specialised equipment

Purpose-built equipment for deep cleaning, which is different from conventional maintenance cleaning equipment. We use them to remove old wax, clean carpets, polish floors, etc. The final layer of protection is provided by hand.

Trained staff

Deep cleaning requires specialist knowledge. Our specialist cleaners are trained in cleaning different types of floors.

Deep cleaning of floors – what determines the price?

There is a wide variety of floor surfaces and carpeting. The price of the deep cleaning service depends on a number of factors – the material, the condition of the surface or carpet / degree of soiling. First and foremost, the price depends on the size of the floor area.

Ordering specialised floor cleaning services from Forus is easy – just ask us for a quote and we will inspect your floors. For example, in the case of carpeting, the building owner or manager does not have to transport the carpets. This helps to preserve the environment. Sustainability is very important for us.

Deep cleaning of floors – why choose Forus?

  • Trained staff – we train our staff regularly.
  • We have plenty of experience in providing specialist cleaning services for different types of flooring. We use professional cleaning products, effective techniques, and modern technology to always ensure the best possible quality.
  • A personal approach – we prioritise the wants and needs of the customer.
  • We guarantee the quality of our service – we involve a quality specialist in the inspection of the sites.

Get in touch! You will be contacted by one of our experienced sales specialists.


Get in touch! You will be contacted by one of our experienced sales specialists.