
Why would I need this service?

I will learn whether the technical building systems operate correctly.

Shortcomings that waste resources can be eliminated.

A high-quality working environment.

Saving on utility expenses.

Knowing whether I pay the electricity bill based on actual consumption or, for some reason, a part of the electricity bill of the neighbours as well.

Environmental protection – reducing the footprint.

Obligatory for buildings owned by Riigi Kinnisvara AS and buildings with green certificates.

Do the technical systems of your building fulfill their purpose?

Forus often encounters incorrectly configured technical building systems in its daily work. Quite frequently, this leads to unjustifiably high utility expenses.

Technical building systems are the heart of your building and ensure the correct functioning and great indoor climate of the building. During construction and configuration, it is important to keep in mind that all systems should support each other.

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What kinds of issues are the most common?

  • A contractor has completed a building but the systems are configured incorrectly.
  • Heating and cooling are working simultaneously – huge energy consumption.
  • The electricity bill does not reflect actual consumption.
  • Low-quality indoor climate – it affects the concentration and productivity of employees.
  • Higher consumption increases the footprint.

A functional performance test – when is it necessary?

A functional performance test helps to verify the purposeful and energy-efficient operation of technical building systems. Forus recommends considering one already in the final stages of the completion of a building.

The test confirms whether a building corresponds to the designs, the constructed systems function properly, and whether the designed solution is suitable for your building.

A functional performance test – what does Forus do, exactly?



We check the operation of indoor climate systems together with building automation and their compliance with the design.


We measure the consumption during different conditions and modes of use (weekends, during and outside working hours, during a heat wave, etc.).


We inspect devices and sensors.


We test modes of use. To conduct a test, we need the technical specifications of the technical equipment in the building, the design documentation, and access to the building management system (BMS).

How often?

If the building is already in use, Forus recommends repeating the test regularly to monitor the operation of technical building systems and assess the energy consumption of the devices in various climatic and operational conditions. For example, during the first year that the building is exploited, we recommend monitoring the operation of systems consistently, even if they can be controlled and changed by managers and users of the building.

Regular inspections help to identify the inefficient operation of technical building systems or, for example, when they are non-compliant with the design.

Why Forus?

  • All services related to the sustainability of buildings from a single provider.
  • We care about your real estate as if it were our own and help save on expenses.
  • Extensive internal know-how in constructing and maintaining complex technical building systems.
  • A lot of experience with many developers and owners of real estate. We are familiar with various types of buildings.
  • A professional licensed team.
  • Our company prioritises sustainability, which is a topic close to our hearts.

Get in touch! You will be contacted by one of our experienced sales specialists.


Get in touch! You will be contacted by one of our experienced sales specialists.


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