Forus helped the first supermarkets in the Baltics obtain LEED certificates

A sense of certainty that your building is in a sufficiently good condition.
Know-how and solutions for the necessary steps to turn the building into an energy-efficient one.
A thorough understanding of the indoor climate and energy consumption of the building.
Knowing the order of investments and construction works to achieve the best results.
An assessment of the cost of renovation and the payback period of the measures.
An energy audit is a thorough review with the purpose of mapping and assessing the energy consumption of a building already in use.
An audit provides an overview of energy consumption, proposes possibilities for savings, and assesses the cost and payback period of renovation works. An energy audit is a useful tool for preparing a renovation plan for your office building or a public building.
Forus helps to turn your building into an energy-efficient and modern structure. We assess each client personally to find solutions with the best fit.
For example, local governments need an audit for the reconstruction of educational establishments. The contents of an energy audit determine the possible terms and conditions of support.
While an energy label indicates the level of energy efficiency of a building, an energy audit offers additional options for improving the energy performance of the building.
Although the word ‘audit’ sounds like it would be something complicated with a lot of paperwork involved, the reality is quite different. The entire process is modern and based on a virtual energy model.
The professional auditing team of Forus conducts energy audits of buildings; they need access to the building for completing the necessary tests. In addition, they need the technical documentation of the building. The price of an energy audit begins from a few thousand euros. Everything depends on the size and type of your building.